We are a grassroots community committed to electing progressive leaders, saving our Democracy, and defeating MAGA extremism.
We fight for economic equity, voting rights, immigration reform, gun safety, a healthy environment, racial justice, and reproductive rights.

Mark Your Calendars!

We have three events on our calendar this week. Senate Staffers Meeting – POSTPONED This event has been postponed. Please watch the mobilize site for the new date/time. Seattle Indivisible invites all Washington Indivisibles...

Take the WILA survey

Well, it’s almost that time again. The 2024 state legislative session will begin in early January and the WILA bill tracking team will be gearing up. Washington Indivisibles have statewide impact through the work...

Ballot Curing Help Wanted

Washington Indivisible Network Schools Team and Washington Stop Moms for “liberty” have identified 27 races where a preferred candidate is in a race that is “too close to call” — the margins are between...

Take Action to End Gun Violence

There are many organizations in our community fighting to end gun violence. Check out: The Alliance for Gun Responsibility will be co-sponsoring “Enough! A Nationwide Reading” on November 6th at Seattle Children’s Theatre. Tickets...

A picture of five colorful doors, with the caption, "Get started canvassing by knocking on five doors!"

Be a Canvasser!

This week’s Truth Brigade workshop will be an introduction to the Neighbor 2 Neighbor program. If you haven’t tried canvassing yet, Neighbor 2 Neighbor is a great place to start, because you only knock...

Redistricting Reform

Redistricting Reform “went badly off the rails” in 2021, and the League of Women Voters wants to fix it before the 2030 redistricting commission is formed. According to the LVW Redistricting Issue Committee, the...

W&W and Community Meeting

Please join us this week for our October in-person events: As always, if you can’t find the date/time for something in the blog, please check our calendar