We are a grassroots community committed to electing progressive leaders, saving our Democracy, and defeating MAGA extremism.
We fight for economic equity, voting rights, immigration reform, gun safety, a healthy environment, racial justice, and reproductive rights.

Picnic Reminder

Our Summer Picnic will be July 8th at Beaver Lake Park. Bring your own lunch. Desserts and activities provided.

Join us Friday at 6:30

Please join us for our monthly social gathering at Big Block Brewery in Sammamish Friday, June 30th at 6:30. This is a come-and-go event, and all are welcome. Expect lively discussion with like-minded Indivisibles.We...

Thank you LGBTQ+ Leaders!

From local mayor Kali Clark to State Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu, we are grateful to the LGBTQ+ leaders from Washington fighting for us in city councils, school boards, the state legislature, and the judiciary.

Summer activity schedule

Summer Schedule Update

We will be having a lighter meeting schedule for the summer – Our July meeting will be a picnic social at Beaver Lake Park, from 11 – 2. Bring your own picnic lunch, dessert...

Truth Brigade Reminder!

The Indivisible Truth Brigade call is this week! If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so here: http://indivisi.org/truth If the time does not work for you — no problem! Everyone who signs up...