You know it’s gotta be bad…

When even the Seattle Times is against your initiatives… you know it’s gotta be bad. Here’s what they’re saying about the guy who put up $6 million to get them on the ballot.

“Brian Heywood’s dream would be a nightmare for WA’s economy.” — Seattle Times on Heywood, 2/2/24

“Think Tim Eyman with a gigantic bank account.” — Seattle Times on Heywood, 1/28/24

We know we can defeat these bad initiatives – recent polls tell us that voters don’t support them when they hear what they do – but most people haven’t heard about them. Our job is to get them truthful information to inoculate them against the mis-information being spread by the other side.

What You Can Do To Spread the Word

We know we have the most influence on the people closest to us – our friends, family, and neighbors. Here are a few ways you can make sure we defeat these initiatives.

1 – Share this new ad from Fuse Washington and DefendWA! 

You can share this link on social media or even just email it to friends. You can also use it to find talking points to use when talking to people.

2 – Talk to the voters in your orbit – friends, family, neighbors.  

Remember, you do not have to be an expert, and don’t try to be one! Make it conversational and personal. Share what you do know and, most importantly, share why this is important to you and share why you value supporting our schools, the elderly and people with disabilities; protecting our environment and future generations, having clean air and water, etc.

It could sound something like this:

You: “Say, have you heard about the initiatives that are going to be on the ballot in Washington? There are going to be 4 of them!”

Your friend, family member, neighbor: “What have you heard?” or “I’ve heard a little.” or “I haven’t heard a thing. What’s it about?”

You: Well, it’s pretty concerning. They are on the ballot because a multi-millionaire is funding

Below are responses to the mis-information from the opposition and the reality of what each will do or you can go to the Defend WA website for more detail. But, remember, talking at a high level is enough for most people.

3 – Beyond Your Personal Connections…

For the next five weeks, we need to reach the voting block that is going to make or break this campaign—and that means knocking on doors and making phone calls. These are the most effective tools for reaching voters.

Door to Door Canvassing – Able to knock on some doors nearby? This is for you!

  • Sammamish – Saturday, September 28th @10am – Beaver Lake Park Playground.
  • Redmond – Saturday, September 28th @10am – Redmond Town Center
  • Issaquah – Sunday, September 29th @10am – Issaquah Community Center. 
  • Renton – Sunday September 29th @10am – Top Pot Doughnuts at the Landing

Or find the event most convenient to you and sign up! There are locations all over King County.

No experience necessary. The canvass host will be there to help with a brief messaging training, share canvassing tips, give you materials to share with voters, and help you find a list of houses that works for you. Come with a friend, or ask to be paired up with someone when you arrive.

Join “The Really Big Phonebank”

Phone calls are less effective than they used to be but still benefit from the person-to-person aspect that makes canvassing effective—especially for persuadable, undecided voters who still make up roughly 30% of the electorate. Make calls right from your own home. No experience needed.  Sign up here! 

We know that these four initiatives would undo a decade’s worth of the progress we’ve made in our state on education funding, progress to protect and clean our air and water, and provide care for seniors and the most vulnerable. We won’t let that happen!

Also this week

This explainer from Indivisible Truth Brigade on Responding to Outrageous Rhetoric and Lies is a must-read!

Wednesday September 25 @5:30 – 
Women Wednesday’s for Harris @ Your House Online

Friday September 27 @5:30pm 
Wine & Whine – Sept ’24 Vintage @ Capri Cellars in Issaquah

Check out our Calendar for links to a Project 2025 Teach-in, a Geeks and Nerds for Harris fundraiser featuring popular sci-fi/comicon celebs, a LWV Candidate forum for the Commissioner of Public Lands race, and other upcoming events!

We will not be having an October Community Meeting – Keep “doing the work” and see you in November!