The Washington Indivisible Network is a way for local chapters in Washington to pool resources and take action at a statewide level. You can follow WIN on Facebook and YouTube.
Take Action Network
This isn’t an exclusive Indivisible website, but many Indivisible chapters use it for organization and mobilization. It is also a primary communication forum for activities coordinated at the state level.
It’s open to browse, but to get personalized dashboards, sign up here https://bit.ly/TAN-Logos-Signup by clicking on the Indivisible CD-8 logo.
Washington Indivisible Legislative Action (WILA)
When the state legislature is in session in Olympia, WILA bill trackers make sure Indivisibles from around the state are contacting their legislators to advance progressive legislation.
Take Action Network (TAN) dashboard of statewide actions when the legislature is in session
Washington Indivisible Podcast
Our Indivisible Podcast was created by Indivisible CD-8 member Stephan Cox, but it was too awesome not to share it with the rest of the state! Follow “the pod” on these platforms and others:
Washington Indivisible Schools Group
The Schools Group exists to support public education in Washington.
Sign up for the next activist call with partner organization Washington Stop Moms 4 Liberty.
Check out the messaging guide.
Check out the how to run for school board guide
Washington Indivisible Elections Workgroup
Tracks important races around the country that may be of interest to Indivisibles who have time to be involved in additional actions state- or nation- wide.
Check out the elections dashboard on the Indivisible Vashon website
Check out current action items on TAN