RSVP for Winterfest December 6th!

Whether you’re new to Indivisible Washington’s 8th and want to get to know us better or you’ve been with us for a while and want to celebrate another year together, Winterfest is a time when we come together for informal fun, food, and community. Join us for an evening of food and festivities with friends old and new for an “Indivisi-gather”!

Children, partners, friends and family are all welcome! 

Friday, December 6
6:00 – 9:00pm
Lewis Creek Visitor Center
5808 Lakemont Blvd, SE
Bellevue, WA 98006

Our potluck plan

  • Last name starts A-L: Bring an appetizer
  • Last name starts M-Z: Bring a dessert

Sparkling water, hot tea, and coffee will be provided.

If you’d like to participate in the optional White Elephant Gift Exchange, please bring a wrapped gift valued at $15.00 or less and get ready for laughter and surprises.

RSVP here:

Additional notes

  • Please save the date for our community “Worth Fighting For” event on January 11th. Details to come.
  • If you are looking for additional take action items, check out National’s call to action on HR 9495 here.