Another HR 9495 ask for those who can

The bomb cyclone, power outages and downed trees have been a tremendous hardship. We’re thankful for this community and for all who reached out, checked in, and did what they could, with what they had. Please continue to take care of yourselves and one another as we take stock and emerge from the damage of this battering experience.
In the midst of all this, thanks to our calls, Rep. Kim Schrier joined 33 other Democratic reps and changed her vote on the non-profit killer bill (HR 9495) last week. It passed the House, but Dems united, with 184 Dems voting to oppose it.
This bill would allow the Trump Treasury Secretary to unilaterally attack nonprofit organizations providing vital services to people and communities that don’t align with the president’s political ideology. It gives them powers they do not have and should not have.
If you can, before Thanksgiving, please –
If you haven’t done so yet, call Representative Schrier’s office to thank her for changing her vote:
- Issaquah Office 425.657.1001
- DC Office 202.225.7761

Call Senators Murray and Cantwell to let them know you’re counting on their opposition to the bill when it comes to the Senate.
- Senator Murray 202.224.2621
- Senator Cantwell 202.224.3441