This is the time to DO SOMETHING!

There are so many ways to help in this election – but the most effective action is the one you will take. Here are some ways you can make a difference in these last 30 days:

Making Voting FUN again!!

When we vote, we celebrate democracy, so why not make it a fun time!

Ballot parties help people feel comfortable voting up and down the ballot. Invite a handful of friends or make it a blow out bash complete with Evite and invite everyone you know! Have some snacks and beverages or ask your friends to bring something to share, along with their ballot. Feel free to keep it simple!

Tell folks to bring their ballot, then help inform them about the races that affect them. You can share your personal knowledge of the candidates you know, connect them with local LD endorsements, and share endorsement guides like the Progressive Voters Guide. 

Check out how empowering this primary ballot party was back in August!

Have more money than time? 

TLDR – Indivisible is supporting expanding Neighbor-to-Neighbor conversations, from one Nebraskan to another because they know it is the most effective way to reach voters. Help Indivisible raise at least $25,000 to fund Neighbor2Neighbor in Nebraska! 

Why Nebraska!?! Turns out NEBRASKA HAS BECOME A BIG DEAL! 

When talking about battlegrounds, most people are not thinking about Nebraska, but the state can play a critical role in helping us win a trifecta this yea

Winning the White House. The Republicans tried to change the rules and hand all of Nebraska’s electoral votes to Trump but the state is going to continue to apportion them by House district. This means there’s a very real chance VP Harris wins with exactly 270 electoral votes, and NE-02 is the vote that puts her over the top.

Flipping the House. Republican incumbent Don Bacon is running in NE-02, a district that Joe Biden won! Since we ONLY have to flip four seats to retake the House, a pickup here would be huge. 

Holding the Senate. A year ago, nobody would have guessed the Senate could come down to Nebraska — not Indivisible, and definitely not the GOP who are now scrambling to defend the seat. This race seems close, so a victory by the challenger, Dan Osborn, an Independent, would dramatically increase our chances of keeping the Senate out of MAGA Republicans’ hands.

But, the last thing Osborn or Bacon need is outside liberal groups putting a national spotlight on them and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars running ads on their behalf. What they would really benefit from is a grassroots mobilization of Nebraskans talking to Nebraskans. And that’s exactly what Indivisible has to offer with Neighbor2Neighbor.

But expanding Neighbor2Neighbor statewide has costs: engineering to get the targeting data and turn on the tool, staff time to support volunteers, and funding to recruit more of them. So, if you have more money than time, help raise at least $25,000 to fund the tools and tactics that will get it done. 

Thank you for Supporting Salmon Days and other Festivals this Summer!

We had a great turnout for the Salmon Days Parade. It was fun watching our next Governor Bob Ferguson working the crowd and seeing the enthusiasm for Kamala Harris, Kim Shrier, and our downballot candidates at the Democrats’ booth!\