The Freedom to Breathe Clean Air and Drink Clean Water is on the Ballot!

No matter where we live, where we come from, or where our political loyalties fall, we all want the freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and protect our homes from fires, floods, and famine. MAGA Republicans are catering to the fossil-fuel industry, while President Biden and Vice President Harris made the largest investment in the environment with the Inflation Reduction Act to break our dependence on foreign oil and create high-paying jobs in green energy.

The MAGA Agenda for our environment is scary. In addition to repealing the Inflation Reduction Act, Project 2025 would eliminate funding and regulations related to environmental protection and “eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere.”

I-2117 Weekend of Action August 17th and 18th

Here in Washington, MAGA Repblican Initiative I-2117 threatens our state’s commitment to fight climate change. Join the No 2117 Weekend of Action on August 17th and 18th to help spread the word!

Find an event that is convenient to you here!

Learn about all the bad initiatives on our ballot on August 26th 5:30

Join Fuse and the Defend Washington campaign on Monday, August 26th at 5:30PM to learn the most compelling messaging, and how you can use it to defeat these right-wing initiatives.

• Why we need to defeat the initiatives and our path to victory
• Best messaging guidance to counter Brian Heywood’s deceptive initiatives
• How to stay involved in our coalition to stop MAGA activists from rolling back progress

Register here: