Election Newsletter July 22nd

Friends – There is no other way to say it, yesterday was a historic day.

Joe Biden has shown himself to be a true patriot by stepping aside and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.

As of last night, Indivisible National has officially endorsed her as well with over 93% of Indivisibles in all 50 states and DC voted overwhelmingly to endorse.

Now, it’s our turn to get behind her and do everything we can to create a Democratic trifecta. Indivisible National is calling for all of us to take the pledge to do the work to re-take our majorities in the House and Senate, elect Kamala Harris, and save our democracy from Christian Nationalists. Please sign today.

Here in WA, Primary Ballots Have Dropped and They Matter! 

*In our state, the top two vote getters in the Primary go on for election in November, regardless of their political party. So, if the top two vote getters are Republicans, no Dem candidate will be on the ballot for that race in November. Bad outcome! Voting in the Primary on a crowded ballot helps ensure a Dem will advance to the General Election November 5th. Also, in every state, Primary results influence funding and support that candidates get from their political party. 

Indivisibles have opinions and take action!
We’re informed, and we know – when we vote, we win.
You’ve returned your ballot. (Or, you will… today!) 
Now, what can you do to Get Out The Vote? 

Start close to home – literally. Have your like-minded family members, friends and neighbors voted yet? Check in and ask them. People know the stakes in 2024 are high, but do people in your circles know that voting in the Primary Election* is important? Have a chat!

Get a list and talk to 10 voters in your neighborhood through Indivisible National’s “Neighbor-to-Neighbor program. N2N has been field tested and shown to be the most effective in turning out the vote! Learn more and register here.

 Candidates need your support to GOTV, and there are volunteer opportunities to fit everyone’s passion, availability, and drive: