From this week’s calendar
Do you check our calendar page regularly? Here are some events for this week…
Monday March 18th 10:00am. The League of Women Voters presents: News, Opinion & Propaganda in 2024: DiMario Phipps-Smith, News Literacy Project.
Wednesday March 20th 5:00 Indivisible National presents: Persuasion to Power: Combatting Disinformation by Knowing Your Audience
Everyone we speak to, whether neighbor, friend, community member or family, carries a slightly different set of values and expectations. In organizing conversations, it’s up to us to listen well and make strategic, thoughtful assessments of how to move our goals forward by taking into account the other person’s responses.
Join veteran activist Loretta Ross for a conversation on how to assess and adjust our communication approaches based on the person we’re talking to and how closely they already align with our goals.
Saturday March 23rd, 12:00pm Washington Indivisible Network presents: Public School Advocate Letters to the Editor Workshop
We’ll help new folks get up to speed and have breakout rooms for one-on-one review of LTTE drafts. If you registered for the last meeting, a zoom reminder will be sent out. If you are new to the LTTE efforts, register here
Need an intro or a refresher on what makes a good LTTE? Check out the workshop notes here.